The statue of the Centaur that was almost destroyed

July 5, 2023
The statue of the Centaur that was almost destroyed

Estimated Reading Time: 3min 15sec

We would like to share the story of the statue of the Centaur in the Doria Pamhilj Gallery that was almost destroyed. The rooms of the Doria-Pamphilj Gallery displays the private collection of this noble roman family. Amongst the many beauties is a marvellous statue of a Centaur which has a particular story. We would like to take you to see the Gallery. We’ll share the story of the statue of the Centaur that was almost destroyed. Take one of of our  TOURS and we’ll make sure to show you this amazing piece of art.

The Statue of the Centaur

After all the dozens of paintings exhibited in the marvelous galleries of the Doria-Pamphilj palace, from Reni to Guercino and Caravaggio , there is also a curious statue. This represents a Centaur. A common subject in the Greek-Roman mythology, because the centaur symbolizes the dual nature of man. Sometimes instinctive, almost animal (the horse part), and  rationality and reason (the human part). But the centaur has a peculiar story, one that could have become a tragedy…

Centaur - Doria Pamphilj Gallery

The Centaur – Doria Pamphilj Gallery

The Centaur’s special story

At the beginning of the last century, Rome suffered a heavy snowfall.  This is quite unusual in Rome. The ceiling of the hall in which the statue was exposed, collapsed. The Statue was fragmented in 25 pieces. The excellent restoration work saved the Centaur. We almost lost the Centaur to a trivial snowfall.  but luckily for him (and for us), it survived this accident.

We would like to take you to see the Doria Pamphilij Gallery and take the opportunity to show you the “surviving” Centaur. Take one of our TOURS, we’ll show you things that only few know of the Eternal City!